Kim McCauley

Never underestimate the heart of a champion!

Private Lessons

Private lessons are great if you have a specific dance you want to learn, if you feel that group classes move at an uncomfortable pace, or if you want to have the instructor's undivided attention.

1 lesson/45 min. = $70.00, package of 5 = $325, package of 10 = $650


Group Classes

Group classes are an excellent way to learn a variety of dances in a short amount of time.  Group classes are cheaper because the students share the instruction time. Grab a group of friends and book a group class.

Prices vary depending on number of people.


Special Occasions

Do you have a wedding, party, or special event coming up?  No problem. I can work with you to choreograph a routine to your favorite song. 


Prices vary.


About me...

I have danced in some form or fashion since I was 3 yrs. old.  After college I moved to Houston and competed in Ballroom dance for 5 years.  Since then I turned Pro and currently compete in Country Western and Line dance. I am available to teach on Fridays and Sundays.


50% Complete

Two Step

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